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Mhw Decoration Slots Explained

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Decorations are upgrade gems in Monster Hunter World. They're jewels that can be used to enhance weapons and armor with new skills. You'll start getting them after you reach high rank. They're pretty rare, and some players are unclear on how the system actually works. Depending on the number of Skill Points, Decorations come in sizes that require from one to three slots, with three-slot Decorations being endowed with the greatest number of points. 3: Of course, if you plan on using a three-slot Decoration, you should have three slots open on either your armor or weapon. Attack Values Explained. (Decoration) Slot. 1st (Decoration) Slot Augment takes 3 sockets and provides 1 level 1 Decoration slot. Deviljho MHW Wiki December.

Farming Decorations

Aside from being granted by armor, skills are acquired by slotting your equipment with decorations. These can be obtained in a number of ways, including clearing main story quests and crafting them in the elder melder's pot. The best way to farm decorations, however, is to run tempered monster investigations.

Tempered monsters investigations reward you with one to five reward boxes that contain either feystones or streamstones. When appraised, feystones turn into random decorations.

Decorations are categorized into four tiers: C, B, A, and S. Each tier has a specific chance of appearing after appraising various types of feystones. The chances that a reward will contain a specific feystone also depends on the threat level of the investigation.

Feystone Appraisal and Drop Rates

Mhw decoration slots explained money
FeystoneAppraisalDrop Rates
Mysterious Feystone
  • C (85%)
  • B (15%)
  • Threat Level 1 Investigations (55%)
Gleaming Feystone
  • C (65%)
  • B (34%)
  • A (1%)
  • Threat Level 1 Investigations (25%)
  • Threat Level 2 Investigations (34%)
Worn Feystone
  • C (10%)
  • B (82%)
  • A (6%)
  • S (2%)
  • Threat Level 2 Investigations (35%)
  • Threat Level 3 Investigations (70%)
Warped Feystone
  • B (77%)
  • A (18%)
  • S (5%)
  • Threat Level 2 Investigations (26%)
  • Threat Level 3 Investigations (13%)

The table above should guide you on which tempered monster investigations to farm when aiming for specific decorations. Attack jewels, for example, are A tier decorations. They have the highest chance of appearing after appraising warped feystones. Orange city poker room hours locations. Doing threat level 2 investigations then will grant you the best odds of obtaining them.

C Tier Decorations

C Tier
IntimidatorSporepuff ExpertDivine Blessing
Palico RallyBotanistTool Specialist
Free MealStealthFire Resistance
Water ResistanceThunder ResistanceIce Resistance
Dragon ResistancePoison ResistanceBlast Resistance
Paralysis ResistanceSleep ResistanceBleeding Resistance
Effluvia ResistanceIron SkinGeologist
Aquatic ExpertAirborneEntomologist
Heavy ArtilleryHunger Resistance

Mhw Decoration Slots Explained Bonus

B Tier Decorations

B Tier
Fire AttackWater AttackThunder Attack
Ice AttackDragon AttackPoison Attack
Evade WindowAffinity SlidingKO
Speed SharpeningHorn MaestroItem Prolonger
PartbreakerSpeed EatingRecovery Speed
Quick SheathConstitutionFlinch Free
Tremor ResistanceStun ResistanceStun Resistance
Blight ResistanceHealth BoostStamina Thief
Critical EyeRecovery UpEvade Extender
Weakness ExploitSlinger CapacityPoison Shot
Wind ResistanceNon-Elemental BoostWide Range

A Tier Decorations

Mhw Decoration Slots Explained Money

A Tier
ResentmentNormal ShotsAttack
Protective PolishPower ProlongerMaximum Might
Sleep AttackParalysis AttackLatent Power
Stamina SurgeCapacity BoostAdrenaline
AgitatorGuardGuard Up
Special Ammo BoostBlast AttackBlast Shots
Paralysis ShotsSleep ShotsPeak Performance
Elder Seal Up

S Tier Decorations

S Tier
Free Elem/Ammo UpPiercing ShotsMarathon Runner
Bow Charge PlusSpread/Power ShotsMind's Eye/Ballistic
Critical BoostCritical DrawArtillery

Other Methods

The Greatest Jagras Event Quest

The Greatest Jagras is a limited event that lets you easily farm feystones even without completing the quest. You will be pitted against an incredibly large Great Jagras that hits very hard and has massive amounts of health. Be warned as the monster can easily take out even well-equipped hunters in one strike.

Mhw Decoration Slots Explained Games

After it eats, the Great Jagras will vomit up to 30 feystones that you can pick up. They will mostly be mysterious and glowing feystones, though worn and warped ones can randomly appear. You can return to camp even without completing the objective to keep the ones you have obtained.

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